Robert Munsch Author Study

At the RBE Library next week, 2nd grade students will be doing an author study over Robert Munsch. Robert Munsch is a favorite author for children. He has written 54 books!

During this author’s study, students will learn about who Robert Munsch is, get to listen to him read 3 of his books, and complete some activities related to his books.

There are 5 stations that students will visit: All About Robert Munsch, Create a QR Code Robert Munsch Mini-Book, Andrew’s Loose Tooth and activity, Mmm, Cookies! and activity, and Purple, Green, and Yellow and activity.

Students will get to read, learn, and create at these Robert Munsch stations. For all the details and materials, see the stations and information below!


Visit Robert Munsch’s website at:

Station #1– All About Robert Munsch

Students will listen to a podcast All About Robert Munsch. While listening to the podcast, they will answer the questions on the All About Robert Munsch activity page.


Station #2- QR Code Robert Munsch Mini-Book

At this station, students will use this Mini-Book Template to fold and create a booklet of some of the Robert Munsch stories. There are QR Codes for Robert Munsch MiniBook reading his books aloud here. Students will get to choose what QR Codes they put in their Mini-Book and they will get to decorate the cover.


Station #3– Purple, Green, and Yellow and Activity

At this station, students will listen to Purple, Green, and Yellow read aloud by Robert Munsch. As they listen to the story, students will get to color their own Student Outline to reflect what they would look like if they colored themselves “all sorts of colours almost entirely all over.”


Station #4– Andrew’s Loose Tooth and Activity

At this station, students will listen to Andrew’s Loose Tooth read aloud by Robert Munsch. As they listen to the story, students answer the Andrews Loose Tooth Questions and complete a Story Map about the story.


Station #5– Mmm, Cookies! and Activity

At this station, students will listen to Mmm, Cookies! read aloud by Robert Munsch. Before, During, and After the story, students will fill out the Mmm, Cookies! Questioning page. After the story, students can color their own cookies on the Mmm, Cookies! Cookies page.




2 comments on “Robert Munsch Author Study
  1. I would love a copy of your Robert Munsch stations. I am getting ready for my Munsch Author Study.


  2. Our students will be studying Robert Munsch in our classroom and I love your stations. Can I copy them for use with our primary classroom?

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